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The dwellers of Ţepilova village, Soroca district, will have drinking water at the taps. The construction of water supply and sewerage system has been started

09.11.2016   2666 views   ADR Nord

The villagers of Ţepilova, Soroca, will have the necessary conditions to benefit from drinking water at taps. The construction of water supply and sewerage network was launched on Tuesday, November 8th, at the Village Hall of Ocolina. According to the subproject, until the end of this year, depending on weather conditions, there will be built 12.32 km of aqueduct; a water tower with the capacity of 50 m3, an autonomous sewer for the kindergarten and an autonomous sewer for the school.

The works are conducted within the subproject "Construction of water supply and sewerage network in the village Ţepilova", a part of the project "Creating conditions for water supply and sanitation for the inhabitants of Parcani, Ocolina and Rădi Cereşnovăţ villages from the Soroca district".

The total value of works to be carried out within the subproject constitutes 3.9008 million lei, allocated from the National Fund for Regional Development.