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North Regional Development Council members approved important strategic documents and listened to the North Regional Development Agency activity report for the year 2016

18.01.2017   4370 views   ADR Nord

Balti, January 18th, 2017. Thirty two out of forty eight members of the North Regional Development Council (North RDC) reunited at the first ordinary meeting of this year and approved three important strategic documents for ensuring regional development in the North Development Region of the Republic of Moldova. One of them is Regional Sectoral Program (RSP) in the field of increasing the tourism attractiveness in the North Development Region, the second is Regional Operational Plan (ROP) 2017-2020 and the third is Implementation Plan of Strategy for North Regional Development and operational activities of the North Regional Development Agency (North RDA) for the year 2017. 

During the meeting, chaired by the President of Edineţ district, Iurii Garas, North RDA specialists presented to North RDC members information about the achievements of 2016 and plans for the next period of North RDA. Thus, North RDA Director, Ion Bodrug, presented to the guests of the event a report which focused on the activities of the last year, as well as the most important achievements of the North RDA specialists in the activities of implementation of regional development projects, strategic planning and programming, organization of important events and promotion of the region, international relations, exchange of the experience and investments attraction.

In the report presented by the Director Ion Bodrug is said that last year North RDA has managed 9 regional development projects, with a total amount about 66 million lei. Six projects were financed from resources of the National Fund for Regional Development (52.68291 million lei), two projects - from the sources of German Government (11.09477 million lei), one project - from the sources of Romanian Government (2.05524 million lei).

Among the most important achievements of the last year in planning and programming of regional development, North RDA experts mentioned North ROP 2017-2020 elaboration and RSP in the field of enhancing tourism attraction. Also, North RDA specialists have worked on RSP elaboration in the field of business infrastructure development.

As mentioned by Inga Cojocaru, Head of Strategic Planning and Programming Department of North RDA, the strategic documents were developed in accordance with the national legislation in the field as well as subjects interconnected to regional development process.

Referring to tourism development program for the North Development Region, North RDA Director, Ion Bodrug mentioned that it is a product of all those who were involved in the process of its elaboration. "The program demonstrates that in the North of Moldova there are sights which we can be proud, but the access to them must be provided with the necessary infrastructure," said the Director of North RDA. In the same context, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, Dorin Andros, noted that North RDA is the first development institution from our country that managed to complete the development of such a document, with long-term impact.

As about cooperation with international partners, in 2016 North RDA deepened its traditional dialogues with partners from Latvia, Romania, Poland, by initiating new collaboration links with future partners from Estonia.

However, it should noted that in 2016, North RDA facilitated the collaboration with several national and international institutions. In this regard, North RDA expressed its intention to collaborate with Vidzeme Planning Region from Latvia and has signed collaboration agreements with the Agency for Sustainable Development of Brasov County, Institute of Research of Field Crops "Selectia", Businessmen Association from Moldova, the Organization of Investment Attraction and Export Promotion from Moldova. Also, North RDA facilitated the signing of cooperation agreements between local public administrations from Latvia and those from the North Region ofRepublic of Moldova. In this regard, there were facilitated the conclusion of three cooperation agreements for Soroca district, Ocnita district and Singureni village, Rascani district.

North RDA specialists, North RDC members and local public authorities from the region have conducted 14 study visits to Romania, Latvia, Slovakia, Poland, Germany, Belgium, and Luxembourg in 2016.

RDA Nord organized a set of important events of the last year, amongst which Days of North Development Region, IV-th edition, notorious event that included International scientific-practical symposium in Balti, entitled "Regional competitiveness based on research, innovation and technology transfer", economic Forum with the title "Promoting economic potential and creating opportunities for attracting investment in the North Development Region," Honey Fest, III-rd edition, as well as Moldovan-Latvian meeting " Moldovan-Latvian cooperation: seminar and economic mission for development of entrepreneurship in regions ".

At the first session of North RDC of this year it has also discussed about development projects on the base of Regional Sectoral Programs in the field of Water Supply and Sanitation, Solid waste management and energy efficiency of public buildings, developed with the support of the European Union through the Agency for International Cooperation Germany (GIZ) within the project "Modernization of local public services in Moldova." Dietrich Hahn, GIZ superior international consultant, referred to a number of issues concerning the next steps in this regard.

At the same time, all the members of North RDC were informed about the RSP in the field of business infrastructure for the North Development Region, which is going to be developed. In addition, an important topic of the meeting held to inform the Council members about consolidation activities of North RDC capacities.


North RDC is a regional deliberative structure, without legal personality, formed to develop, coordinate and monitor regional development policy of North Development Region (NDR), composed by Balti mulnicipality and  Briceni, Donduseni, Drochia, Edinet Falesti, Floresti, Glodeni, Ocniţa, Râşcani, Sangerei and Soroca districts. North RDC includes 48 members, consisting of chairpersons of component districts, Balti municipality mayor and one representative of mayors' association, civil society and the private sector in each district and municipality of NDR. North RDC members exercise their powers for free.