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Mayors and entrepreneurs from the North Region of Moldova are interested in Estonia's experience in tourism development areas. North RDA announces the contest for the best business plan for the development of an agripension

30.01.2017   4247 views   ADR Nord

Local authorities, entrepreneurs and civil society representatives from the North Region of Moldova participate at the seminar "Agritourism as a solution for rural development of the North Development Region" organized within the project "Support in the development of sustainable rural tourism in the North Region of Moldova", implemented by North RDA and funded by the Estonian government, through official assistance for development and humanitarian aid of Estonia. Seminars are taking place in the period 30th of January - 3rd of February 2017.

The participants of the event meet in Balti, Edinet, Ocnita and Soroca to communicate with the six experts from Estonia who came to contribute to the development of rural tourism in the North Development Region of Moldova, offering as example successful Estonian practices in this field.

North RDA Director, Ion Bodrug encouraged all those who are interested in rural tourism development to participate actively in seminars, as "this project is quite necessary for our region," especially because North Development Region has already the Program for enhancing the tourism attractiveness ". The help that is offered by Estonia will allow us to select some business plans for rural tourism development in our region. It is a small step, which, in the next period will lead us to identifying new investment. Tourism development projects are difficult and expensive, but it is important that we have already a clear vision regarding this field, "said the Director of North RDA.

At the beginning of the seminar, Head of the Cooperation and Attracting Investment Department (SCAI) of North RDA, Maria Prisacari, presented the Project of rural tourism development in the North Region of Republic of Moldova, noting that the main objective of the project is to improve the quality of life in the North Development Region by diversifying economic activities in rural areas and boosting the agro-tourism.

As mentioned by Maria Prisacari, the project will contribute to triggering the partnerships in rural tourism development, will enhance the awareness of the population, raising capacities and competencies necessary to initiate and conduct a business. Also, according to the SCAI Head, within the project the entrepreneurs and their families will be counseled and trained to improve skills and competencies in business management. Furthermore, the project will promote entrepreneurship among women and young people in rural areas, providing trainings for improving business skills, recognizing market opportunities, thus enhancing employment opportunities. Moreover, the project will provide Moldovan entrepreneurs the chance to establish cooperative partnerships with local authorities from the North Development Region of Moldova, as well as from Pärnu region, Estonia.

During the seminar, Karie Ilus from the Foundation of Tourism in Pärnu region presented useful information about destination marketing development within the public-private partnership, and Mercedes Merimaa, LAG Pärnu Bay Partnership representative, referred extensively to the European LEADER Program of rural development, showing in this context best practices in the field of rural tourism of Pärnu Bay Partnership. At her turn, the representative of "Kollamaa" Guest House from Estonia, Marika Kose, spoke about entrepreneurship in rural areas, and about possibilities of participation of the community. Aivar Merila from "Kosmonautika" Recreation Center presented current information about legendary Center "Vzmorie" from Estonia. In the same context, the mayor of Koonga local government, Mikk Pikkmets talked about Koonga regional development through different aspects, and the tour operator Enn Rand presented, as an example of rural tourism, the Guest House "Maria" and the Hotel "Victoria" from Estonia.

Within the concluding session of the seminar that took place on Friday, February 3rd, was announced a competition for the best business plan for the development of an agripension. Four participants which will be named as winners of the contest will perform a study visit to Estonia.

The project "Support for the development of rural sustainable tourism in the North Development Region of Moldova", worth 15 thousand euro, started last year, during a Public consultation session of the Regional Sectoral Programme (RSP) in increasing tourism attractiveness. Please note that the North Development Region has a RSP in the field of increasing tourism attractiveness. The strategic document was approved by the members of North Regional Development Council on 18 January this year.

IMPORTANT NOTE! Business plans should be sent by February 18, 2017 till 4:00 p.m. at e-mail [email protected]